Ответы банк тестов по английскому
Dating > Ответы банк тестов по английскому
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Dating > Ответы банк тестов по английскому
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The patient is likely to be at home. Синоним слова « land » является: a ground b air c borrow d hurry e take 13. If I had won a lot of money, I'd retire.
The patient is likely to be at home. Charming Caustic Clever Sculptors use hammers and chisels to … statues from stone. Write questions in present perfect simple. Текст A B C D E F G Заголовок Задания 10 — 17 Прочитайте текст. Football is a good example. The fridge is full … food. The house … now. С уважением, команда worldcompanyjob. Интерпретация текста А прочитайте заголовок и скажите, какова основная тема рассказа Б прочитайте абзац и найдите предложение, в котором дана оценка поведению героя.
We … tennis from five till seven yesterday. Организуйте учебные действия учащихся в 8 классе на трех занятиях, направленные на овладение устной темой «Путешествия» на этапах совершенствования навыков и развития речевого умения 1 занятие 2 занятие 3 занятие 1 рассказ о путешествии по опорным словам 2 изложение основного содержания прочитанного текста 3 беседа на основе прочитанного текста 4 Рассказ по серии юмористических картин 5 аудирование рассказа учителя по теме 6 высказывания учащихся по ситуации на уровне сверхфразового единства 7 чтение тематического текста 8 беседа на основе текста для аудирования 9. In the kidneys the blood is cleaned of harmful substances.
Тест по предмету с ответами - Nowadays, Tower Bridge is one of the most famous bridges in the world. The Romans found a place where the river was relatively narrow and built a bridge.
Банк тестов по английскому языку для специальности 060105 «Стоматология» Описание банка тестов. Банк тестов по английскому языку для специальности 060105 «Стоматология» включает: I. Тесты по грамматике на материале общепрофессиональной медицинской лексики -200 заданий. Тесты на знание медицинской лексики общепрофессиональной направленности — 200 заданий. Тесты на знание специальной медицинской лексики по специальности 060105 «Стоматология» — 100 заданий. Технология построения тестов предполагает наличие одного правильного варианта среди четырех предложенных. Практически все тесты выполняют не только контролирующую, но и обучающую функцию, т. При осуществлении контроля знаний студенты выполняют 50 тестовых заданий по выбору компьютерной программы , из которых 15 заданий - из банка тестов на знание общепрофессиональной лексики, 15 заданий из банка тестов на знание специальной лексики, 20 заданий из банка тестов по грамматике на материале общепрофессиональной медицинской лексики. Норматив положительной аттестации — правильное выполнение не менее 51% из всех 50 тестовых заданий. Задание: Выберите верную форму перевода подчеркнутого слова: 1. He has just extracted the tooth. What do you complain of? When did your first wisdom tooth erupt? Dentist is responsible for the treatment, diagnosis and prevention of diseases of the teeth. Rules of oral hygiene were found in the Talmud and the Koran. The Professor will examine him tomorrow. Teeth should be cleaned twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. These various factors can lead to two different patterns of pneumonia. Dentist mustbe responsible for the treatment, diagnosis and prevention of diseases of the oral cavity. The students must work hard during the whole term. You must follow bed regimen. The child must be isolated from other children. Many complications may occur with lobar pneumonia. His temperature is high. He cannot go to school today. Patient Ivanov must keep the bed for one or two weeks. Dental caries is the most common health problem both in children and adults. Lobar pneumonia is much more frequentin the month from December until May. One of the most wide-spread diseases of teeth is caries. The doctors must be more responsible for their work than the people of other professions. This surgeon is older than his nurse is. Yesterday I had more severe pain than now. Call for an ambulance if he feels worse. Lobar pneumonia is more frequent in the months from December until May. The patient looks much better today. It is the biggest hospital in our town. Having made an injection of lidocain the doctor extracted the tooth. The student drilling the tooth is my friend's brother. There are many possible causes of lung inflammation, including infection, hypersensitive to inhaledsubstances. Interstitial pneumonia is inflammation involvingthe tissue between the air sacs. Cleaninghis teeth the man felt pain in the gums. The girl fillingthe tooth is my student. A person entering Medical Academy has to pass examinations in Biology, Chemistry and the Russian language. The delivered lecture was very interesting. Examining the patient the doctor listened to his heart. The doctor examined the called patient. The examining teacher has just come. The pain lasting for five to ten minutes usually began in the morning. The data obtained by the scientist were very interesting. While listening to the patient's lungs, the doctor suspected pneumonia. The student answering at the blackboard is my best friend. When examined by the doctor, he complained of a severe pain in his chest. Sometimes the pain may extend in the abdomen simulating acute appendicitis. Cold weather, draughts, loss of sleep are the chief predisposing factors. Next year the second-year students will attend lectures in Therapy. Food and drink are broken down into their smallest parts. The rate of urinary flow is known to be increased by various agents known in medicine as diuretics. Most of the body wastes are eliminated in the urine by the urinary organs. In the kidneys the blood is cleaned of harmful substances. The greater the amount lost through the skin, the greater will be secreted by the kidneys. The perspiration glands are found in the lungs. The quantity of water lost through the lungs varies vary much with temperature. The patient is likely to be at home. Этот пациент любит быть дома. Уверен, что этот пациент дома. Вряд ли этот пациент дома. Вероятно, этот пациент дома. Finally, all of the digested nutrients are absorbed through the intestinal walls. The cerebellum is divided into two large hemispheres, much like the cerebrum, and contains ten smaller lobules. While he оперировал on the patient, he explained the students what he was doing. Tomorrow the child выпишут from the clinic. At the age of 12 I болел with pneumonia. The disease is often accompanied by severe осложнения. This drug может have some side effects. This disease is более опасна for adults than for children. Выписавшись from the hospital, he went there for further treatment. О сматривая a patient, the doctor noticed some spots on his body. The medical education стало a subject of intensive debate in recent years. If the thesis is satisfactory on all points the candidate получит the Degree of Doctor of Science. My sister has pneumonia. She находится in the hospital now. Every mother заботится for her children. When I was at my sister's at 4 p. The patient не спал since early morning. Yesterday he закончил his experiment earlier than usual. Next year the second-year students будут посещать lectures in Therapy. What analysis is the nurse making now? The patient жаловался of a considerable muscular pain before he was admitted to the hospital. Many experiments показали that the cerebellum is the centre of feeling and understanding.